Tag Archives: Fluency21

Fluency 21 Lesson


This lesson is my first time using Fluency21 as a lesson plan generator. What an awesome site! I like that it made me much more intentional in my planning to plan flexibly for students anywhere within the digital divide; to more actively engage 21st century learning skills; and to remember to include a debriefing session from the project. It is also my first OER contribution to the global learning community at large. OER, or open educational resources, are making an enormous impact in education by being available freely to all who can access the internet. Look out world; here I come!

I wrote this for my Classical Conversations Challenge A class which meets once per week and then is followed up the rest of the week in their homeschooling program. It is the same class that I created an Edmodo classroom for, where the students find videos and links there from me and from each other as they research, collaborate, and dialogue in between Tuesday sessions as a physical class. This curriculum is very integrated by design, so my plans for this class will include objectives from various “subjects.”

It is my intention to also utilize it as an example during an instructional video that demonstrates how to use Fluency21 for an Azusa Pacific University graduate class, which they can use if they find it helpful. So, whether this lesson is utilized by other students and teachers via OER, or by my Challenge A class, or instructs other teachers in this class or other graduate students at APU; I am pleased to use the WWW to multiply my talents for His glory.